3. Configuration

Details about the contents of the configuration file are describe in the anastasis.conf(5) chapter. This chapter only describes the configuration format.

3.1. Configuration format

In Taler realm, any component obeys to the same pattern to get configuration values. According to this pattern, once the component has been installed, the installation deploys default values in ${prefix}/share/taler/config.d/, in .conf files. In order to override these defaults, the user can write a custom .conf file and either pass it to the component at execution time, or name it taler.conf and place it under $HOME/.config/.

A config file is a text file containing sections, and each section contains its values. The right format follows:

value1 = string
value2 = 23

value21 = string
value22 = /path22

Throughout any configuration file, it is possible to use $-prefixed variables, like $VAR, especially when they represent filesystem paths. It is also possible to provide defaults values for those variables that are unset, by using the following syntax: ${VAR:-default}. However, there are two ways a user can set $-prefixable variables:

by defining them under a [paths] section, see example below,


or by setting them in the environment:

$ export VAR=/x

The configuration loader will give precedence to variables set under [path], though.

The utility taler-config, which gets installed along with the exchange, serves to get and set configuration values without directly editing the .conf. The option -f is particularly useful to resolve pathnames, when they use several levels of $-expanded variables. See taler-config --help.

Note that, in this stage of development, the file $HOME/.config/taler.conf can contain sections for all the component. For example, both an exchange and a bank can read values from it.

The repository git://git.taler.net/deployment contains examples of configuration file used in our demos. See under deployment/config.

3.2. Using anastasis-config

The tool anastasis-config can be used to extract or manipulate configuration values; however, the configuration use the well-known INI file format and can also be edited by hand.


$ anastasis-config -s $SECTION

to list all of the configuration values in section $SECTION.


$ anastasis-config -s $section -o $option

to extract the respective configuration value for option $option in section $section.

Finally, to change a setting, run

$ anastasis-config -s $section -o $option -V $value

to set the respective configuration value to $value. Note that you have to manually restart the Taler backend after you change the configuration to make the new configuration go into effect.

Some default options will use $-variables, such as $DATADIR within their value. To expand the $DATADIR or other $-variables in the configuration, pass the -f option to anastasis-config. For example, compare:

$ anastasis-config -s ACCOUNT-bank \
               -o WIRE_RESPONSE
$ anastasis-config -f -s ACCOUNT-bank \
               -o WIRE_RESPONSE

While the configuration file is typically located at $HOME/.config/taler.conf, an alternative location can be specified to taler-merchant-httpd and anastasis-config using the -c option.

The service has well-known API endpoints to return its legal conditions to the user in various languages and various formats. This section describes how to setup and configure the legal conditions.

3.3. Terms of Service

The service has an endpoint “/terms” to return the terms of service (in legal language) of the service operator. Client software show these terms of service to the user when the user is first interacting with the service. Terms of service are optional for experimental deployments, if none are configured, the service will return a simple statement saying that there are no terms of service available.

To configure the terms of service response, there are two options in the configuration file for the service:

  • TERMS_ETAG: The current “Etag” to return for the terms of service. This value must be changed whenever the terms of service are updated. A common value to use would be a version number. Note that if you change the TERMS_ETAG, you MUST also provide the respective files in TERMS_DIR (see below).
  • TERMS_DIR: The directory that contains the terms of service. The files in the directory must be readable to the service process.

3.4. Privacy Policy

The service has an endpoint “/pp” to return the terms privacy policy (in legal language) of the service operator. Clients should show the privacy policy to the user when the user explicitly asks for it, but it should not be shown by default. Privacy policies are optional for experimental deployments, if none are configured, the service will return a simple statement saying that there is no privacy policy available.

To configure the privacy policy response, there are two options in the configuration file for the service:

  • PRIVACY_ETAG: The current “Etag” to return for the privacy policy. This value must be changed whenever the privacy policy is updated. A common value to use would be a version number. Note that if you change the PRIVACY_ETAG, you MUST also provide the respective files in PRIVACY_DIR (see below).
  • PRIVACY_DIR: The directory that contains the privacy policy. The files in the directory must be readable to the service process.

3.7. Adding translations

Translations must be available in subdirectories locale/$LANGUAGE/LC_MESSAGES/$ETAG.po. To start translating, you first need to add a new language:

$ taler-terms-generator -i $ETAG -l $LANGUAGE

Here, $LANGUAGE should be a two-letter language code like de or fr. The command will generate a file locale/$LANGUAGE/LC_MESSAGES/$ETAG.po which contains each English sentence or paragraph in the original document and an initially empty translation. Translators should update the .po file. Afterwards, simply re-run

$ taler-terms-generator -i $ETAG

to make the current translation(s) available to the service.


You must restart the service whenever adding or updating legal documents or their translations.